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Come with your fitted contact lenses so we can see the current condition of the fabrics! If you wear lenses fitted and ordered elsewhere, we recommend a full 3D examination to get an accurate picture of the condition of your eyes. Depending on this, we can recommend and fit another type of lens, possibly another care product, and, if necessary, an eye drop treatment!

Contact lenses

Contact lenses can be comfortable to wear and a great relief in everyday life, and are particularly useful when playing sport or going out. There are contact lenses that can be worn all the time, but there is also a solution if you only want to wear contact lenses at certain times, for example for training. Your eyes and lifestyle will naturally influence which contact lenses you should wear, but there are now a range of high quality, safe to use lenses available, and our experts can choose the right one for your individual needs!

To be able to wear contact lenses, a thorough vision test is followed by an examination of the front of the eye to determine if it is suitable for contact lens wearing. Although state-of-the-art lenses are now available to keep your eyes healthy, regular check-ups and consultations are essential.

After choosing the right contact lenses, we provide thorough, comprehensive, practical contact lens training and advice, teaching you how to use the lenses safely and giving you useful tips on how to use, clean and wear them. In our shop we mainly deal with fitting soft contact lenses! However, if you require a hard or semi-hard lens, we will be happy to refer you to a specialist. In both cases, please contact us with confidence!

Kontaktlencse vizsgálat díja (magában foglalja a teljes körű 3D Látásvizsgálatot és új kontaktlencse illesztését) : 24.000 Ft.

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